Najran Dairy Co. Ltd. is one of the biggest and leading companies in southern region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . The Factory is located in Industrial Area, Najran. Its processing plant is acquiring approximately 41062 square meter area.
This company was built in November 12, 1981 (15-01-1402Hijri) with Commercial Registration No. 5950856. Since the beginning of year 1981, company is growing rapidly and launches a variety of new products every year in dairy and juices products range. It has its presence almost every province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and also in the Yemen Republic and Bahrain .
The sole ownership was transferred to sons of Sheikh Ali Bin Musallam in 1996. The Najran Dairy Co. Ltd. is completely managed by Saudi Management since July 1998 and it shows an enormous development and grownup as one of the leading company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .